What is RFK?
It is the mission of Royal Family Kids (RFK) to help transform communities by interrupting cycles of neglect, abuse and abandonment of children in the foster care system. We fulfill our mission by providing an array of programs, all directed toward changing the trajectory of young lives which usually include a combination of academic failure, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, sex trafficking, homelessness, and incarceration.
We partner with them by putting on a week of summer camp for foster kids every year. At camp they enjoy the freedom of being a kids with no worries. They play field games outside, have music and craft time, and are treated like royalty. This includes them having a giant birthday party. They are given gifts, cake, and celebrated with nothing held back! If you would like to give as funds are always appreciated, check our our golf tournament. If you would like to donate a week of your time to serve at camp, click help