We believe that God is going to do big things through the giving of people here at Tower Hill Church. Together we can change our world. We know that God is calling us to give extravagantly which requires extravagant faith. From giving to help people get clean water, end human trafficking, and find freedom from addictions, we can see the practical changes that giving to missions is making in people’s lives. The most important change we can see is that of people finding freedom and change in starting a relationship with Jesus.

2024 Pledges: $566,633
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What about the tithe?
At Tower Hill Church we believe that every Christ-follower is called to be generous and tithe (10%) on their full income to their local church. Missions giving is above and beyond our tithe, and is generous and sacrificial giving that God lays on our heart to change the world.

A Bible School in Mexico
We have partnered with Builders International to build a Bible School in Chetumal, Mexico. This part of Mexico has never had a Bible School and has no way to train pastors. We have made a 5 year $250,000 commitment to build the school. We have sent countless teams to Mexico to help build it an countless churches in the region. If you would like to be a part of this project, there are three things you can do: Pray, Give, Go! Which of these can you do?

25+ Churches in Kenya

15+ Churches in Mexico